Tuesday, April 10, 2012

HuffPost vs. Miley Cyrus

If you just want to read the article that has set me off go here.

I understand that many consider it to be a fad diet. And I understand that "Celebrity" + "Fad" in the same article brings more readers... But, am SOOOOOOO tired of people talking as if they know anything. I'm beginning to think that Anti-Gluten-free is the bigger fad right now.

From the author's own words: ... Symptoms range from chronic fatigue, diarrhea, bloating and headaches to "failure to thrive" in young children. Weight gain is not a symptom of gluten sensitivity, though weight loss is.

True, sort of... I have gained weight since going gluten-free... but, I look thinner due to lack of BLOATING.

First of all, it is impossible to be allergic to gluten. Those who have difficulty digesting gluten have either a condition called celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. About 1 percent of the population suffers from celiac and about 10 percent have a less specific sensitivity, according to the Mayo Clinic.

When eating out, I often call it an allergy! Intollerance sounds so inconsequential, allergy gets the point across. To judge her for a choice of words is just silly.

first... They cannot even test for celiac accurately yet.
second... 10% is not a small number.
third... Mayo says that About one-third of the population carries the genetic background for gluten intolerance — but only 1 percent of people have it. (they don't even know, see "first)

Who is the author? Why does everyone hate Gluten-free'ers so much?

Because I don't want to eat wheat bread, I'm an evil person who needs to be taken down? My unconventional diet is so overwhelming that you need to expose me for all of my strangeness?
It's entirely possible that a glutenfree diet helped Miley to look slimmer & have more energy to exercise... give her a break.

I think Im really just upset that this Celebrity/Opinion piece ended up in the Healthy Living section...


My rant is complete, heres a link to the article at HuffPost

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