Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mmmm... Burgers for dinner!

This is what I came home to tonight.

Lots of fresh grilled veggies and hamburgers already cooking.

We eat grilled vegetables probably 4 times per week. They're so easy & sooo yummy!

Just slice zucchini, sweet potatoes or whatever your preference, then toss with olive oil & fresh cracked pepper (minimal salt sometimes). We grill asparagus the same way.

Corn on the cob can be grilled in the husk, & when it's done the husk can be used as a handle (fun for kids, easy for the rest of us)

The buns are Kinnikinnick, tapioca rice buns- sold at Ralph's for $5.69 (in the freezer section).

Perfect Spring dinner on the patio.

(Redbridge gf beer in hand)

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